cocomama Online Promotional Graphics
Our friends at cocomama, have a revamped website now! To expand their online presence, we have created new visuals to enhance their exposure! As different social media platforms require different dimensions for graphics, we take each design’s layout into consideration to create the most suitable and eye-catching for the required size.
If you are in need of any social media design, advertisement design, or pop-up store design services, feel free to contact us to discuss a quote fit for your needs!
cocomama,我們的南洋風椰奶酪好朋友,再次攜手製作一系列的網路貼文及商場所需要的視覺曝光~最大原因就是:他們從 11/1 起,即在誠品南西店有快閃店!配合許多優惠!
各種媒體、粉絲團,以及廠商都會有不同的要求及尺寸需求,所以如何運用現有素材在緊湊的時間裡做出合適的變化、吸睛的著眼點,便是考驗我們設計師的快速決策!好在 COCOMAMA 團隊十分信賴我們,讓設計流程更加順暢無阻!
Design - OCTOSHIP design
Art Director - Johnson Xie
Designer - Baily Bai, Ching Chen
Portfolio - Ching Chen
pop-up store / graphic design services / social media design services / social media platform / facebook graphic design services / Instagram graphic design services / website / web design / custom website / layout design / social media campaign / character design / event design / pop-up event / dessert shop / coconut / tropical design / vibrant design / playful design / visual identity / visual identity design / brand identity / branding / design studio taichung